Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.


Start time: 8:50am

Finish time: 3:20pm

Children are to enter the school via the top yard entrance and leave at the bottom yard next to the Nursery door.


If you have any questions or queries, you can contact the staff via email.


Homework is due in on a Friday.

A reading book is sent home on a Friday and is due back on a Monday.

Spelling test is due on a Tuesday.

P.E is every Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Our Year 6 Environment

Autumn term topic.

Battles and Conflicts - the children will learn about World Wars, the environment, race and gender.

Autumn Term Moments.

Spring term moments.

Popular Culture - the children will learn about fashion, ICT, music and sport.

Spring Term Moments.

Summer term topic.

Life - the children will learn about continents and the plants and animals that live there.

Summer Term Moments.
